挖鏟兩用機 Backhoe Loader
Yearof2011,TEREX 860 Backhoe Loaders delivered to Taipei City, equipped with 100hp engine.

Year of 2011, TEREX 860 Backhoe Loader delivered to Taipei City Government, equipped with water cooled, 4 cylinders, turbo-charged diesel engine 1104D-44T, Displacement 4,400 C .C., Output 100 HP @ rated 2200 rpm.
2011年, TEREX 860 挖鏟二用機交付台北市政府, 1104D-44T 柴油引擎, 4400 CC, 100 HP.
2011年, TEREX 860 挖鏟二用機交付台北市政府, 1104D-44T 柴油引擎, 4400 CC, 100 HP.

https://tecpel.web66.com.tw/web/NMD?postId=363676DC 微歐姆電阻表
商品型號: GOM-801H DC 微歐姆電阻表 , 20mΩ ~ 20kΩ 特點 ‧ 量測範圍:20mΩ~ 20kΩ