中大型推土機 (Dozer)
進口美國品牌各式中大型推土機, 120 HP - 400 HP, 配備斜鏟刀, 角鏟刀, 鏟煤刀, 犁土器, 原裝安全駕駛室..等. Import US brand mid/big size of

進口美國品牌各式中大型推土機, 120 HP - 400 HP, 配備斜鏟刀, 角鏟刀, 鏟煤刀, 犁土器, 原裝安全駕駛室..等.
Import US brand mid/big size of Bull Dozer, equipped with straight tilt blade, angle blade, coal blade, ripper, ROPS cab..etc.
Import US brand mid/big size of Bull Dozer, equipped with straight tilt blade, angle blade, coal blade, ripper, ROPS cab..etc.

https://38682081.web66.com.tw/web/NMD?postId=578143氣體質量流量控制器 MD300C